Exploring the Longest and Oldest Bloodlines in the World

From royal pedigrees that go back centuries to families that may lack star power but more than make up for it with amazing longevity, here are seven of the oldest bloodlines in the world. Learn about their history and how their lineages have been traced.

Exploring the Longest and Oldest Bloodlines in the World

The longest family tree in the world is that of the Chinese philosopher and educator Confucius (551-479 BC), a descendant of King Tang (1675-1646 BC). This tree spans more than 80 generations and includes more than 2 million members. But what are the oldest lineages in the world? From royal pedigrees that go back centuries to families that may lack star power but more than make up for it with amazing longevity, here are seven of the oldest bloodlines in the world. The British royal family is one of the oldest lineages in the world, with roots that date back to the 9th century.

Queen Elizabeth II, who recently passed away, was the longest reigning monarch in England's rich and illustrious history of 1200 years, surpassing Queen Victoria's 63-year reign. The foundation of this 1,200-year-old monarchy is the House of Wessex, and one of its pillars is Alfred the Great. Alfred the Great was born in Berkshire in 849 and ascended the throne as King of Wessex in 871 at the age of 21. He is considered to be the creator of the British royal family lineage, which continues to this day with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius (Kongzi in Chinese) lived more than 2,500 years ago (he was born in 551 BC).

He is considered to be the founding father of the Kong family lineage, which not only continues today but has millions of members. The official record of the Kong family lineage (as currently compiled by its descendants) was first recorded by hand in 1080, centuries after Confucius' death. The Japanese emperor is a central figure loved by the public and participates in more than 100 events organized every year. In 1993, a DNA study conducted in Lower Saxony, Germany revealed a lineage that dates back to 1000 BC and 700 AD.

This particular lineage begins with the discovery of 23 people (9 women and 14 men) in a remote cavern near the Harz mountains known as Lichtenstein Cave. Haplogroup B2 is one of four groups of DNA material that are unique to Native Americans in North America, and each group can be traced back to one of four ancient females known as Ai, Ina, Chie and Sachi. A DNA study showed that this Crawford lineage is the oldest known DNA that has originated in the Americas, with potential to go back an astounding 17,000 years. The Lurie family lineage is said to date back to biblical times (c.

In its 1999 edition, Guinness Book of Records awarded this family with “longest lineage” distinction. However, tracing their roots becomes more murky and doubtful as it goes back to ancient times (especially considering that King David may not be a real historical figure). Nevertheless, their lineage can be traced to 13th century France where they were one of most influential Ashkenazi Jewish families. The Donnellys are said to be the oldest family in the world with more than 1000 years between them.

Their lineage began with Viking king Gorm the Elder who unified Denmark in 958. The Kong family lineage is listed in Guinness Book of Records as longest family tree in history and can be verified through periodic publication of worldwide registry of Confucius' descendants. Whether it is for affirming real ancestry or simply for tracing family roots, a lineage is a bridge to past - sometimes distant - times. While completing three millennia of genealogical data would surely amount to an epic family tree...

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